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School Profile

Cullman High School: Home of the Bearcats

Cullman, Alabama, is a thriving 21st Century community fueled by quaint heritage and an indelible Southern charm.  Nestled in North Central Alabama and the Central Time Zone, Cullman is located 55 miles south of Huntsville and 50 miles north of Birmingham.  The population of the City of Cullman is approximately 19,251 (per the 2022 census) and the population of Cullman County is approximately 90,665 (2022 census).  Echoing Cullman’s motto, “A City of Character,” the city of Cullman has been selected by Bloomberg Businessweek as one of the best places in Alabama to raise children. Cullman has also been ranked the second highest micropolitan in the nation for the past two years, according to Site Selection Magazine.

Cullman City Schools is one of 132 school districts in the state of Alabama.  The school system has over 3,000 students in five schools. The schools are Cullman High School (Grades 9-12), Cullman Middle School (Grades 7-8), East Elementary School (Grades 3-6), West Elementary School (Grades 3-6), and Cullman City Primary School (Grades K-2). Cullman City Schools also hosts the Cullman City Head Start Program at our Primary School.  

Cullman High School strives to consistently communicate and model our mission statement -"Inspiring Students for Lifelong Success - Through Character, Citizenship, and Scholarship." In alignment with the Cullman City School System's purpose statement, we are preparing youth to be well-adjusted citizens who make positive contributions to a democratic society. Cullman High School is committed to providing a learning environment and school program that will foster the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social development of each child to his or her greatest potential. The curriculum is sound in academic requirements, stressing basic skills, awareness of the technologies of an ever-changing world, vocational skills, and an appreciation of the fine arts. Each individual is afforded the opportunity to develop an open mind, inquiring attitude, positive self-esteem, and healthy lifestyle in order to think creatively, critically, and analytically and to become a constructive, independent citizen with self-worth and dignity. Each student is recognized as an individual with varying needs, interests, learning capacities, talents, and aspirations. The curricula and extra-curricular opportunities are adapted and a variety of teaching methods and materials are utilized in order to meet individual needs. Cullman High School serves as a center for the educational, recreational, and cultural interests of the community. It prepares young people to take their places in the life of the community as worthwhile, contributing citizens, to occupy places of leadership, and to perpetuate the principles of the American way of life.  The school and the community work together to accomplish these endeavors.

Cullman High School was established in 1908 and has resided at the current location since 1961. New, state of the art facilities have recently replaced aged facilities with modern classrooms, media center, performing arts centers, and administrative offices. The updates also provided for instructional spaces and technology resources that will support progressive and engaging student learning processes. 

The high school enrollment in grades 9-12 has climbed each year and is currently at 984 students, with a lengthy admissions waiting list of students who are out-of-district. In recent years, the poverty rate has increased from twelve percent to about thirteen and half percent.


All students have access to a comprehensive counseling program with annual advising for every student at the point of registration and an ongoing emphasis on long-term preparation for college and careers. The 2023 Cullman High School graduate scores on the ACT exceeded the state averages in all four core subjects and the composite average.  Of special note is that the CHS scores included all students enrolled, regardless of their college aspirations.  Our 2022-2023 Cullman High School graduates’ ACT composite scores exceed the state norm with CHS students averaging a composite score of 20.4 in contrast with the state average composite of 17.5  The range of course offerings include a number of fine arts, career tech, and elective courses, reflecting student interests and ambitions. 


Cullman High School Administrative Staff (2023-2024):  

Mrs. Allison Tuggle Principal
Mrs. Aimee Bates  Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs
Mr. Aaron Sparks  Assistant Principal of Facilities, Safety and Technology