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Welcome to CHS Academic and Instructional Support Departments 

Cullman High School has a long history of providing a high-quality educational experience for our students.  Our tradition of academic success is supported by a dedicated team of teachers and instructional staff who are committed to our students and to helping them meet the challenges of today's academic rigor.  Our faculty develop professional learning plans that are designed to help them excel in their teaching. These individuals are committed to continuing the level of academic excellence that has always been a part of Cullman High School.

You may view information about our departments and classes by accessing the department page. 

image button that opens the career and technical education department
decorative button that opens the College & Career Department main page
decorative button that opens the Driver's Education department webpage
decorative button that opens the English Language Arts Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Fine Arts Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Guidance Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Health, Physical Ed webpage
decorative button that opens the Instructional Support webpage
decorative button that opens the Library webpage
decorative button that opens the Mathematics webpage
decorative button that opens the School Nurse webpage
decorative button that opens the Science Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Social Studies Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Special Education Department webpage
decorative button that opens the World Language Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Work Based Learning Program Department webpage
decorative button that opens the Wallace State Courses webpage